
Consortiums and partnerships.

FEP believes in forming long term associations with the world’s best experts, organisations, manufacturers, suppliers and service providers. Enter the world’s fastest growing international markets with FEP either as a consortium member or an exclusive partner.

FEP consortiums

  • The best team for the job.

    FEP is intricately involved in the selection & representation of leading international suppliers, manufacturers and service providers uniquely experienced for the requirements of each project. We form the most competitive and technologically superior consortiums for select projects and work collaboratively to ensure they are delivered on time and on budget.

  • Total project management. From A-Z

    With every project being different, FEP is able to provide a flexible range of services. From representation to consultancy, project management to BOT (build own transfer) models; FEP is able to assist.

FEP partnerships

  • Local Representation.

    Consider FEP as your local representative / guide throughout a project lifecycle that ensures your entry & continued operation in the Asian & African marketplace meets the standards of quality and management you’ve come to expect.

  • Custom +

    Each project is different. Each requires a unique approach. Speak with FEP to find out how our decades of experience and diverse industry knowledge could help your company deliver that special project.

Ready to work with FEP?